We as candle maker are committed to protect the environment.

Our Commitment To The Environment As Candle Maker


What We Use 

Our candle containers are reusable, we make them that way for a reason. We are committed to be a good steward of the environment, as such we seek products that are reusable to make our candles out of. Whether that is the packaging, wicks, or the container.  There are many candle companies to choose from, one thing that frustrates us is when we see candles that are 16 oz or even 24 oz that are made from plastic or materials that will immediately go to the landfill after being used. We want our customers to have something they can cherish after burning our candles.  There are many things they can use the container for after burning the candle, one of them is to use it as a plant vessel. 


            We have three different types of containers, the first one is the 8 oz aluminum silver thin, followed by the black thin, and lastly is our newest container which is an 8 oz jelly jar with a white lead.  We also have our silver thin in 2 oz. Each of those containers can be put to a useful task after the candles are finished burning or they can be recycled. Our candles burn for a long period of time. For example, you can expect to get around 45 hours of smooth peach scent from our jelly jar and 40 hours from the aluminum thin and 8-10 from the 2 oz thin.  We here at Zanmi believe that natural resources are precious, we as a human race need to conserve our resources, we don’t have limitless resources we can turn to after we depleted the ones we currently have.  The vendor we pick to get our products from must meet our strict criteria before we go ahead purchase our products from them. We are becoming more conscious than ever before, especially since this summer 2023 heat wave has proven the continued increase of the global warning. What we can do to reduce waste and help our environment is front and center of everything we do here at Zanmi.  We make our candles to share our love with others, our intent is not to mass produce them so we can make a higher profit. 

Our Commitment 

          Each one of our candles is handmade by one of our team members. It is our commitment to put our customer, employees, and the environment first before profit. Our goal has always been to be a company that our employees feel belonging to, supports and to share with them our love for the environment. Individual effort is necessary but ultimately it is our collective effort as global citizens that will have the greatest effect on turning climate change around. It is our hope and ambition to evangelize that message through our sphere of influence.

            Reusing the candle container might be seen by others as too small to make a difference, although that might be true, nevertheless it is a first step in the right direction.  We at Zanmi are always examining how we can be more resourceful with what we have, whether that is cutting food waste, water usage, wax, wicks, labels and so on. Join us in this journey in making a positive impact in the environment.  


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